Hebrew-English Guide to Soncino
51 THE CHURCHES SAINT MARY OF THE SNOWAND TINAZZO PARK Situated on the street that links Soncino to Torre Pallavicina, the Oratory of Saint Mary Nascent or Saint Mary of the Snow is known as Church of Madonna of Tinazzo. Built in 1510 by the will of the Count Jacopo Covi, it presents a sober gabled façade with a portal and a central oculus. The inside part is composed of two square halls divided by a trium- phal arch. Through the opening of the presbytery, it is possible to admire the frescoed apse with God the Father, inside an almond, and a Madon- na with the Holy Child and saints. The church is painted with votive frescoes, dating back to the XVI century, which show Madonne with Holy Child and saints of the popular tradition to whom devout people asked for graces, leaving their name and the date of their promise. Next to the church, the Tinazzo Park rises, in the past used by the Covi family as a game preserve.
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